Youth Fine Arts Festival
Fine Arts Festival helps students grades 6-12 discover, develop, and deploy their God-given talents by having their skills evaluated by qualified educators who encourage excellence, offer ideas for improvement, and inspire students to use their gifts in the local church, community, and around the world.
There is also a National Fine Arts Festival division for ages 18-23 called Kappa Tau. For more information, visit youth.ag.org/Participate/Fine-Arts/Kappa-Tau.
District Fine Arts Festival
Saturday, May 12, Waupaca High School, Waupaca, Wis.
$35 per participant for one or two categories
$7 per participant for each additional category
$5 for travel costs
Plus lunch money or a packed lunch
All entries must be turned in to the church office by March 28. No late entries will be accepted.
See Pastor Craig or Jordan Bradford for entry forms and more information about entry categories and rules.
7:15 a.m. |
Leave Church |
8:30 a.m. |
Registration |
9:00 a.m. |
Orientation |
9:20 a.m. |
Event Begins |
2:00 p.m. |
Wrap-Up |
3:00 p.m. |
Results Given |
4:30 p.m. |
Back at Church |
National Fine Arts Festival
July 30–August 3, 2018, Houston, Tex.
Cost TBD based on interest and eligibility
Registrations due May 18 (fax/post) and June 1 (online)
Rules and Information
Visit https://youth.ag.org/Participate/Fine-Arts/Rules-and-Criteria for official rules and other information.
2018 Rule Changes
- The following categories have had rule changes:
- Songwriting - rules regarding accompaniment and lyric sheets
- Songwriting, Modern Hymn - rules regarding accompaniment and lyric sheets
- Art - rules regarding framing
- Dance - rules regarding apparel and presentation time limits
- Writing and Film Categories - delivery instructions have changed
- Flash Fiction - new word count rule
- American Sign Language categories - new presentation rules
- There has been a name change to First Person Essay. It is now called Creative Fiction/Memoir.
- We now have a NEW division in the Fine Arts Festival: The Enterprise Division with one new category entitled "Business Plan." Please see the rules for this new division and category starting on page 56 and the accompanying links to templates which can be used for this new category.